Desexing Society Podcast

Make sure you check out Desexing Society Podcast by my good friend Stassja Frei. She has produced an 8-part podcast designed to explain the issues around gender medicine and gender ideology in Australia.

Desexing Society is the first podcast to critically examine the youth gender dysphoria epidemic in Australia.

Over the last decade, hundreds of thousands of young people around the world have started identifying as transgender. Healthcare professionals working with gender dysphoric children and adolescents have adopted a controversial treatment model known as “gender affirming care.” It involves agreeing with the patient that they’re meant to be the opposite sex. Medical interventions attempting to change a child’s sex begin at the onset of puberty, which for girls can be as early as 9 years old. Can doctors really predict which children are going to be transsexual in adulthood?

In this 8-part series, we’ll explore the origins of gender affirming care, how it became embedded in Australia’s public health system and the tragic consequences of misdiagnosis. We’ll also look at how public schools are contributing to the youth gender dysphoria epidemic, and more.

I’ve known Stassja for several years now. We met early into my “GC Journey” through her organisation The Coalition For Biological Reality. She was the cohost of TERF Talk Down Under, a weekly lifeline for us isolated biological realists in Australia. She called out “It’s a Lie” on Q+A, has organised protests in Melbourne, and a conference in Tasmania, and much more.

Stassja is someone who has consistently taken the bull by it’s horns, stuck her head above the parapet, put her money where her mouth is and produced a meaningful contribution. Here’s an interview we did on the Dollhouse with Stassja in the lead up to the release where she talks about her activism.

Please send a donation Stassja’s way. She paid for everything herself – driving around Australia to do interviews, sound equipment, hiring specialists to help her with production – in the hopes of making a difference.

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